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Testing Descriptions & Schedules

ACT: (

The Test Center Code: 173641.

All students at the Academy should take the ACT, a battery of tests including four 35-50 minute tests in English usage, mathematics, reading, natural science and an optional writing test. Results are reported on a scale of 1-36 with a composite or average of the four sub-tests and a score from 2-12 on the Writing sub-test. The ACT is administered by the American College Testing Program in Iowa City, Iowa. This battery of tests is now used in the Prairie State testing program in public high schools in Illinois. In addition, the test results are used by most colleges and universities in admissions. Scores can be reported to college and scholarship services at the time students register for the ACT or online after the test is taken. If the latter option is used there is an additional charge for each score report. Students may take this examination as many times as they choose and report only their highest scores to colleges.

SAT: (

The Test Center Code:14170

Students may elect to use the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) rather than the ACT for college admissions. The PSAT scores should be used as a guide in this decision. In addition, a few selective colleges seem to prefer the SAT. This three-hour examination is designed to assess critical thinking skills in both verbal and quantitative areas.  The SAT is administered by the College Board in Princeton, New Jersey. Each sub-test is scored from 200 to 800, with a maximum score of 1600. Scores may be reported to colleges using the same procedures used by the ACT. Students may now use score choice to send only the scores they select.

SAT Subject Tests: (

These one-hour examinations are administered in a variety of subject areas with the possibility that students may take from one to three tests on any scheduled test date. Scores between 200 and 800 are reported for each test. Some private colleges and universities use these test scores in admissions. Although the SAT I and SAT II are offered on the same date, they may not be taken together.

College Testing Schedule 2023 – 2024

  • The following test days are for Sunday administration at Ida Crown Jewish Academy. If students are out-of town and need to take a test, they may register for another test center.
  • The Modern Hebrew language SAT II is given only in June, so students anticipating the need for this test will need to register for an earlier SAT I.
  • Go to to determine appropriate SAT II tests, if these will be needed in college admissions.
  • If registrations are mailed to the test companies, the registration dates are postmark dates.


Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Fee Required
August 27, 2023July 7, 2023August 15, 2023
October 15, 2023September 7, 2023September 26, 2023
November 5, 2023October 5, 2023October 24, 2023
December 3, 2023November 2, 2023November 21, 2023
March 10, 2024February 23, 2024TBD
May 5, 2024April 19, 2024TBD
June 2, 2024May 17, 2024TBD


Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Fee Required
September 10, 2023July 28, 2023August 15, 2023
October 15, 2023September 22, 2023October 20, 2023
December 10, 2023November 3, 2023December 1, 2023
February 11, 2024January 5, 2024February 2, 2024
April 14, 2024March 8, 2024April 5, 2024
June 9, 2024May 5, 2023May 19, 2023


Scores of all students who accurately complete the SAT I and/or ACT registration folder/s, and who take the SAT I and/or ACT during their 5th and 6th semester of high school are automatically sent to the ISAC.

*Fee Waivers available based on financial need.*

Special Testing Accommodations

If a student is eligible for special testing accommodation, such as extended time or oral testing, please be aware of the following:

  • The earlier a student is identified with a special testing need, (i.e. 9th grade versus 11th grade) the more likely permission will be granted by the ACT and SAT testing services.
  • The ACT and SAT testing services review a student’s formal educational evaluation and Ida Crown Jewish Academy IEP, and make an independent decision as to the need for special accommodations.

Application Procedures

  • SAT (college entrance exam based on aptitude/potential): Complete the “student eligibility form” and the regular registration form and submit with the registration fee to Mrs. Loebmann at least one week prior to the regular deadline.
  • ACT (college entrance exam based on achievement): Complete either the Extended Time National Testing Form (time and a half) or Special Testing Form (varied timing options), and submit with the regular registration fee to Mrs. Loebmann by January 15th of the student’s junior year.








Scores of all students who accurately complete the SAT I and/or ACT registration folder/s, and who take the SAT I and/or ACT during their 5th and 6th semester of high school are automatically sent to the ISAC.

*Fee Waivers available based on financial need.*

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